The Mystery of the Periodic Table by Benjamin Wiker Study Guide for Homeschool Students

F3-4 Chemistry

In this Form 3-4 study guide, students will learn about the development of modern chemistry, the formation of the periodic table, the structure and properties of matter, chemical reactions, and balancing chemical reactions.

High School Geology Homeschool Science

HS Earth Science: Geology

Students will learn about 100 spectacular geological formations in North America, including volcanoes, canyons, glaciers, lakes, craters, and peaks.

Charlotte Mason Elementary Science Curriculum

F2 Physics: Energy

In this Form 2 (grades 4-6) study guide, students will be introduced to what electricity is, how it is generated, how it flows through wires, and how it is harnessed in our homes and engines.

HS Physics: Electronics

This option is for students who have completed Form 3-4 Electronics and would like to continue their studies in this area. Øyvind Nydal Dahl the author of Electronics for Kids …

Rocks Rivers and the Changing Earth Science Curriculum

F3-4 Geology

In this Form 3-4 (grades 7-9) study guide, students will study earth’s materials and systems, including the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of the earth.

F3-4 Electronics

In this Form 3-4 study guide, students will learn about the universal laws of science, including those for liquids and gases, matter and energy, and motion and waves.

Secrets of the Universe Homeschool Physics

F3-4 Physics

In this Form 3-4 study guide, students will learn about the universal laws of science, including those for liquids and gases, matter and energy, and motion and waves.

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Science Curriculum

F2 Physics: Magnets

In this Form 2 Physics study guide, students will learn about the power of magnets, the invisible lines of force surrounding them, why a compass always points north, the difference between permanent and temporary magnets (electromagnets), and that almost everything that is electronic and moves most likely has a magnet in it.