Non-flowering Plants: Lichen

Lichens are found throughout the world, growing on tree trunks, old buildings, and rocks, and in some of the harshest environments, such as the arctic tundra OR high temperatures and dry conditions. This makes lichen a good special study to do in winter, because unlike other non-flowering plants, they don’t die back in cold weather and with the leaves gone from the trees, it makes spotting them easier.

In this lesson, you will learn about the mutually beneficial connection between an algae and a fungi that makes lichen a living partnership. You will also learn about the three main forms of lichen that you can look for, and its means of reproduction.

This purchase includes:

  1. A video to help you learn the form, structure, habitat, reproduction and subcategories of lichen. (13:25 min.)
  2. A handout to help conduct a study of lichen with your child. The handout includes a teacher preparation items, a list of object lesson questions, some goals for your nature walk, suggestions for how to record observations made, and a list of living book recommendations.

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