Category Archives: Nature Study Resources

Nature Study – Collecting Data

I stumbled across the site Nature’s Notebook, which utilizes the public’s nature observations to track certain plants. I signed my family up participate in a featured campaign to track dogwood trees. To participate, we will enter observations about the dogwood tree which lives in our front yard. I also added a few other plants and animals that live nearby, for which we can input our observations. They offer a personal dashboard on their website to enter your observations, or the use of and Android or iPhone app, and they even prompt you with a series of questions to guide your study.

I find that changing up our nature study routine now and then helps keep us motivated. Maybe you would enjoy a little guided study as well.

Phenology refers to key seasonal changes in plants and animals from year to year—such as flowering, emergence of insects and migration of birds—especially their timing and relationship with weather and climate.”