Handicrafts Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving Tree

After reading Ann Voskamp’s post Why November is Statistically the Hardest Month, I decided a Thanksgiving Tree was in order. I am a true procrastinator, so typically I would not get around to preparing the tree until about 3 days before Thanksgiving day! And then I would likely just give up on the idea due to it’s tardiness.

However, this year I determined to do the thing! In order for that to happen, I knew I would have to give up any perfectionist ideas. Being a perfectionist would stall me out. So I grabbed some Trader Joe’s bags, cut them open, and let the kids spray paint them with whatever color spray paint we had.

My son was in change of gathering branches, and sticking them in a vase, and once the paint was dry, we cut a few crude leaves. All members of the family knit, including my son, so why it was so hard to find some yarn is beyond me, but finally some orange yarn was found. That will do.

It’s not perfect, but in my world perfect plans equal a project not done. And I love it! Last week my little nature-walkers were instructed to bring back a favorite leaf or two. That’s the pile you see at the base.

I thought there would be some reluctant thankers in the house, but to my surprise, everyone got on board right away.

There is still time for you to make one. Maybe you could think of this as a Fall Handicraft.


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