To obtain high school credit in biology, students must complete three Science Study Guides. Many options are available on SMH, but I have provided this option because many states require students to cover “Natural Selection and Evolution.” Each category under that topic is covered in Form 3-4 Biology (a prerequisite for all high school biology). Still, if you don’t count that towards high school credit, or you must touch on that topic separately in high school, then this is an excellent option.

John Lennox is a professor of Mathematics at Oxford University. He’s also a bioethicist (studying the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology) and a Christian apologist. He is gracious and cheerful while communicating clearly and at the right level for his audience. (With a good dose of humor thrown in!)

His book, Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science, is a brief but thorough exploration of the primary interpretations of creation. Lennox discusses each of the current Christian viewpoints, including the positives and negatives of each view, and suggests that only a limited number are scientifically, theologically, and intellectually reasonable interpretations. In addition, he maintains throughout that Genesis teaches us far more about the God of Jesus Christ and God’s intention for creation than it does about the age of the earth.

This is an important book because fellow believers (even folks in your church or your family) may think differently than you do. And having a greater understanding of what others think can help us love them better — believers and unbelievers alike.

Somewhat unrelated, I encourage you to check out an interview with Lennox on the Beyond the Forum podcast, season 2, “Science and God,” called How to think like a Mathematician—about God with John Lennox. (Dec 16, 2021)

I do not plan to make a guide for this book. Still, I recommend this reading plan only when students are in 11th or 12th grade and have completed several other SMH Biology guides. By then, they should understand the rhythm of this curriculum style, and they will have conducted many experiments.

Spine Texts: Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science by John C. Lennox. (Zondervan, 2011, ISBN: ‎0310127815).

  • Pages: 240
  • Reading Level: grade 11-12 and up
  • Prerequisites: none
  • This study can be used as one-third of a high school biology credit. Learn more about high school transcripts in this article.
  • This book includes a lot of theology. Therefore, it would be helpful for you to pre-read it so your conversations with your child about the subject will be well-informed.
  • The download includes reading assignments from the spine text only.

