Nature Study Winter

Winter Nature Study – From Inside

I marveled when I first read The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry and came across the section called Window Poems. He has since published a book devoted to these Window Poems as well.

The idea of doing nature study out the window had never felt acceptable to me, but if Wendell Berry does it, surely it’s acceptable for the rest of us when we just can’t get outside. Of course, we must remember that he has far more poems inspired by walks across the field, so don’t let this be an excuse to cross nature study off of your list for the whole of winter.

An Excerpt from Window Poems by Wendell Berry
Outside the window
is a roofed wooden tray
he fills with seeds for the birds.
They make a sort of dance
as they descend and light
and fly off at a slant
across the strictly divided
black sash. At first
they came fearfully, worried
by the man’s movements
inside the room. They watched
his eyes, and flew
when he looked. Now they expect
no harm from him
and forget he’s there.
They come into his vision,
unafraid. He keeps
a certain distance and quietness
in tribute to them.
That they ignore him
he takes in tribute to himself.
But they stay cautious
of each other, half afraid, unwilling
to be too close. They snatch
what they can carry and fly
into the trees. They flirt out
with tail or beak and waste
more sometimes than they eat.
And the man, knowing
the price of seed, wishes
they would take more care.
But they understand only
what is free, and he
can give only as they
will take. Thus they have
enlightened him. He buys
the seed, to make it free.

Here are a few things that might inspire some indoor nature study of your own:

  • Feed birds where you can see them through a common window in your house. Take note of where to put your bird feeder so they don’t run into the window and
  • Do a special study on a houseplant or family pet
  • Grow crystals: Here’s instructions on how to grow great crystals. We made the sugar crystals and used them as cake decoration.
  • Make Your Own Weather Station: find instruction here or here.
  • Do a cloud study: Use this cloud chart for daily recording and check out these cloud studies ideas.
  • Track the length of the days: once a week note when sunset and sunrise happen. (Most weather apps will give you that information.)
  • Buy or borrow a rock tumbler to polish rocks: This is the kind we got and we are very happy with it.
  • Conduct science experiments that coincide with The Story Book of Science, such as creating water vapor.
  • Drop a piece of celery in a jar of food-coloring-tinted water and see what happens over the next few days
  • Make a terrarium: We followed these instructions.
  • Pick an adventure from Adventures with a Hand Lens or Adventures with a Microscope, both by Richard Headstrom

I hope this gets you started on some indoor nature study for those days when you just don’t want to brave the elements. However, as soon as there is a nice day, do go outside. Remembering that a high-30’s or low-40’s day can feel very comfortable when you’ve endured several weeks in the teens. It may not feel like spring, but the kids are sure to be warm enough due to their active little bodies and will greatly benefit from the fresh air.



  1. Thank you for the inspiration, Nicole! I have a life threatening condition of being allergic to the cold so window nature study is all I can safely manage many days. Glad to have some new ideas.

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