
A Charlotte Mason Afternoon Schedule

If most of the bookwork was done during the morning hours, did the afternoon look? Wouldn’t it be nice if I told you that the afternoons were just time off? Of course, they are to some degree, but there was still a plan.

First, afternoons started at different times for children of different ages. For example, Form I (1-3 grade) finished morning school work at 11:30, Form II (4-6 grade) finished at noon, and everyone else continued until 1:00. This might be tricky if you have a range of ages in your home.

From the time school ended until about 3:45, the children were free to run and play games. Nature walks and drawing in a nature notebook were often done during this time.

Marion Berry says of her time as a student at Scale How,

“If we were not out on organized nature walks, bird walks, Geog trots or playing hockey or netball, we were supposed to go for a walk for at least an hour and a half in the afternoon.” (I Buy A School, pg 25-26)

You will notice that some activities were organized, such as nature walks, and some were free play. Therefore, while much of this time is child-directed, you will likely need to schedule a weekly nature walk, object lesson, or physical geography activity. Also, you will notice that most of the activities listed, organized or not, were outside activities.

Even Charlotte Mason herself included a DAILY “nature walk or ride” in her schedule from 2:15 – 4:00. (Essex Cholmondley, The Story of Charlotte Mason)

Then the hour before tea time (3:45-4:45) was allocated to afternoon occupations, such as handicrafts, singing, painting, picture study, practicing (music lessons,) dancing, sewing, and a certain amount of reading. Notice that most of these activities are indoor activities.

This time is not highly structured like morning lessons are, and therefore is an opportunity for your child to rest his mind and show a little initiative toward the things that interest him most. But you will need to establish the habit of reconvening at 3:45 (or whatever time you set.) It will also help if you assign specific activities to some days. For instance, you might establish Wednesday as handicrafts day. Students may work on it any other day, but maybe that is when you make yourself available to help as needed. You might also require them to practice their instrument daily for a specific period. They might be allowed the liberty to choose when, but it must be done.

Charlotte Mason specified that these occupations would require more time as the student got older:

“Form 1, 5 hours; form 2, 7 ½ hours; form 3 and up, 10 hours a week; at any time of day, in any division of time, to suit family arrangements” (Parent’s Review School Brochure)

Therefore, the single hour devoted to these activities before teatime (or before dinner) will be enough for a Form 1 student. However, a Form 2 student must complete another 30 minutes each day at another time. For example, he might make a nature notebook entry or read his historical fiction. And a Form 3 student would need a full hour beyond the time before tea or dinner. For example, he may spend it at a music lesson, practicing his instrument before school, adding an entry to his Book of Centuries, or reading poetry.

In addition to all of this, Charlotte Mason included optional Sunday and holiday readings on the programs.

This summer you might want to practice your afternoon schedule, so that when you officially start school this year, you will have that part down.

Tomorrow we will talk about the possibility of following a CM schedule in our own home.

Preparing a CM Schedule Main Page
A Charlotte Mason Morning Schedule
Summer is a Good Time to Practice
The Work and Aims of the Parents’ Union School by Miss O’Ferrall, an ex-student of the House of Education. *Note that towards the bottom of this article she refers to the student teachers as the “students”, and children and “children”.



  1. […] If a subject was on the PUS schedule, then I marked how long the schedule noted. If it was not on the schedule, but it was listed on the programmes, then I marked it with “yes”. Sometimes I marked “afternoon” if it was noted to be done during that hour before tea time. […]

  2. I am really enjoying this site. I love AO, but just don’t see it working for the long run because we already have 4 kids 6 and under and LORd willing will have more. I want a Charlotte Mason schedule not just curriculum. Here is my current issue two/ sometimes three of my children nap every day from about 12:30- 2:30… Then everyone wants a snack and if we get out it’s usually not close till 3 and then I have to think about being home around 4:30 to make dinner… Any suggestions? I try to get our school work and house work done in the morning and my baby also naps from about 9-10:30 every morning.. We are doing a full on year 1 with my 6 year old and my almost 5 year old daughter is begging to read and write and learn math.. Every day she asks me to spend time teaching her; so I know she will require some time as well

    1. Alexandra,
      It sounds like you are doing a lovely job. Remember that every season of our lives includes challenges, but having those 4 little ones should be seen as a blessing. Enjoy them every single day, because time goes by fast. Your form 1 student (grades 1-3,) only needs about 2 1/2 hours per day of school. Keep trying to work that into your morning. And do let your 5 year old participate as much as she wants, just don’t require it. There are pre-reading activities you can be doing with her. In fact, consider all the subjects that everyone can participate in – coloring at the table during copywork time, listening to the Bible, literature and a poem together, etc. Don’t require your little ones to narrate, but they can certainly be in the same room, quietly playing with a special activity that is only made available during this time. You’re doing good! Remember, you won’t always be in this phase of life, so just keep a smile on and do your best. Your family will be blessed for it.

      1. Thank you Nicole, for some reason I just saw this comment. I am acutally doing Mason’s Alveary this year and am very excited! I was able to push morning naps back to 1:30, so we are able to fit a daily nature walk in every day after lunch : )

  3. Hi Nicole. I have just been introduced to Charlotte Mason and am really feeling motivated to have our family begin to follow her model. I have a couple of quick questions 1.) Where did snacks and meals fit into Charlotte’s schedule? Were students expected to go from 9:00-12:00, 9:00-12:30, or 9:00-1:00 (depending on their form) without any additional food? Or do you think a snack was permitted during the 10 minute “play time”? What was consumed during tea time? And at what time did they have dinner? More importantly, are there any insights to be found (either from Charlotte or from your own experience) regarding how to handle food during the day with 4 boys who are forever hungry? Food breaks were a big distraction last year, so whatever we do, I know that it needs to be scheduled as opposed to spontaneous. 2.) I’d love to see some “modern day” homeschooling schedules that encompass the entire day (including morning routines, chores, evening activities, etc.) . . . both for students AND for mom. If you or others would be willing to share their full day schedules, that would be awesome! Thanks so much!!!

    1. Lauren, about 7 years ago we were forced to change our eating style, which eliminated things like cereal and pancakes for breakfast, and limited us to things that included more protein, such as eggs, meat, and oatmeal for our morning meal. I found that with the increase of protein, the need for a morning snack diminished. (An added benefit is that morning protein is so helpful for growing kids ability to use their brains.) Then, when snacks are needed, I limit them to an apple, a handful of nuts or a piece of cheese. Something that requires no prep and isn’t so fun that they want to get distracted by it. Fun breakfasts and snacks should be saved for weekends. Good grief that sounds so militaristic! But let’s face it, food can be a big distraction for children, and it doesn’t need to be if it isn’t too much “fun” or empty of needed protein, fat and good carbs to sustain them. Regarding the rest of the day – I’m working on a scheduling 201 lecture right now, and as soon as I have that ready, I will make it available here. That will include a little more about how to make the best use of the rest of our day, while considering that we are mom’s without maids/cooks/laundresses, most of us!

      1. Hi Nicole,did your ‘scheduling 201’ that you mentioned in July in a comment here, make it on to here? I have looked but can’t see it – really in need of seeing how to fit in my other duties in the home like lunch for example in a house of 4 hungry boys!

  4. I always love coming back to this post for a fresh overview of our afternoons. It makes me wonder about the mealtimes that were scheduled for children during Charlotte Mason’s day. When you mention tea time in the later afternoon, was this actually a child’s evening dinner time? I am curious to know their mealtime and even bedtime schedules.

      1. Thanks Nicole! I I know that you have shared Mason’s quote that three of the waking hours, for example two to five o’clock should be spent out of doors in all but very bad weather. I was confused how to do that and plan for that hour of occupation time before tea time (3:45-4:45), as that would be during this two to five o’clock time that she suggests being out of doors? I only have kids in Form I, but hate to bring them inside late afternoon for occupations when they are enjoying themselves so very much outside and could continue until dinner. I would love to hear your thoughts and advice about this! Thanks again!

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