Christmas Handicrafts

Christmas Handicrafts – Climbing Kid Bookmarks

I have changed the name of these wonderful little bookmarks, but just look at them and you will agree that the name fits. They are bookmarks that look as though the child is climbing up the book. Just too cute!

The idea is from Heather at the Creative Family Moments blog, but was published in the Family Fun Magazine, which is where I originally found them. I knew when I saw them that I had to do these as part of our Christmas gifts that the students can make theme.

Heather’s instructions for Awesome Homemade Bookmarks were very helpful.

I started by taking each child’s picture at the very start of co-op. I brought a rope with me as a prop, and Mitchell stood on a half wall to hold the rope as the children posed. I’m sure this was not necessary, but I did not have an example to show them, so I thought it might help them with their pose.

Here is my Alli is posing. 

After I had taken a picture of all of the kids, I jumped in the car and headed for the nearest Walgreens to developed the pictures with their one-hour service.

When I returned the parents helped their children to complete the steps. I set Lizzie and Britany up as the “tassel station”, and they helped the kids learn how to make a tassel for their bookmark.

My little crew climbing up the kitchen door. 

I love how they came out, and I can see how it would be easy to make a lot of these as Christmas gifts. You could have several of one picture printed out, and the kids could just cut out a few each evening, then make several tassels the next evening, and so on.

Another idea would be to use a picture of the cousins to make the bookmarks. They would never guess what you had in mind to do with it!

I hope you will try these little Climbing Kid Bookmarks. Kudos to Heather for dreaming them up! I think I might try her refrigerator magnets next! Super cute!

Check out the rest of the ideas I’ve collected for Christmas gifts the students can make.



  1. I just stumbled upon your blog and I can't read and bookmark fast enough. I can't wait to make these bookmarks. I have a Summer Scholé nature group going on and I'm going to take pictures of them next time we meet and have them work on the tassels during read aloud time. Thanks so much!

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