
Schedule Planning Update

Did you use my schedule program last year? Did you use it again this year?  If you did, were you amazed at how much easier it was to create your schedule this time? I know the whole thing seems complicated at first, but each year it gets so much easier to do. There is a learning curve, but fortunately, we get the opportunity to hone our skills for many years in a row. <wink>

I’m no different than all of you, I still have to go back through my notes to remind myself what steps to take. But last month I prepared our schedule for the third year in a row, and I couldn’t believe how fast I completed it! I even have one child who will move up a form this year, so I have children in three different forms again, but still, I got it all planned out so easily.

One thing that made it easier this year, was that I didn’t have so many mental stumbling blocks. I am past the agony that used to come with cutting things out. Things fit or they don’t. If I want one thing to fit, something else may need to go. And that is not just in relation to subjects, but even extra activities.

I also no longer try to keep my youngest up with her sister. They have different requirements, and that is that. Just because my youngest “can”, doesn’t mean she “should”.  I guess you can say that I’ve honed my priorities, and upped my commitment to sticking to Charlotte Mason’s plan. That makes schedule planning a lot more black and white.

Another thing I wanted to mention, is that last year (my second year with a well thought out plan,) I hardly made any changes throughout the whole year. That is a first. In the past I have changed it up almost monthly, but not this year. Things worked. I can’t say that will always be the case, but I am confident I will never need to go back to changing my schedule monthly.

One reason why I think this is the case, is because once I go through the process of picking what will be in the schedule and what won’t be, I don’t look back. My blank schedule is finished, and then I just have to add books. Sometimes, I want to add a book midyear that doesn’t have a “place” in my schedule – say an architecture book, or a poet biography. In that case I have to “steal” time from somewhere else in the schedule. (I typically steal time from a different place each week.) If it’s important to me that we read it, it has to take a spot on the schedule, which means something else needs to take a back-seat that week. It doesn’t get tacked on to the top of everything else, extending our school day.

My children have respond well to the routine that has been established. They know the rhythm of our day. They know what subject follows another. They know when they have an opportunity (or will be forced, depending on their perspective,) to do independent work. They know when they do a hard subject, there will be something lighter to follow. They trust the rhythm I have established, and that benefits the atmosphere.

So, tell me how it has gone for you. A lot of you joined me last year in creating a schedule that would suit your family. Did it help? What will you do different this year? Were there some things that you didn’t let go of which you should have? Have you already created your next schedule, and found it a much easier process this time around? I’d love to hear your feedback, and maybe you will encourage someone else who hasn’t tried it yet.

Preparing a CM Schedule

**Did you wonder why I chose the train picture? Because, this whole thing is like getting a train moving – slow going at first, but once it starts to pick up speed, it can really move! 😉



  1. Oh my goodness: YES! Last year, it was totally worth the effort, and this year it has been much easier, even though I am adding a fourth student for the first time. Thank you for doing an update, Nicole! I know I keep saying this, but I appreciate your work oh so much. ♥

  2. I need to re-read last years posts on this. I am getting ready to add in number 7. I really need a clearly laid out plan or I might go nuts!

  3. Sharon, you are very blessed! I think moms who homeschool a lot of kids can be tempted to lose sight of the blessing they have received, because they worry that they aren't getting enough done. There will be trade offs for large families, of course, but you know that having all of them comes with blessings that smaller families do not get to experience. That said, having a schedule can help a lot. 😉

  4. What a timely post about revisiting your last year's series about scheduling! Yes! It was/is immensely helpful. I'm not completely done yet, but I learned a lot about our family's rhythm last year, and I'll be better able to plan.
    This year I will relax about getting through a certain amount of content. It is difficult to accept the fact that we may not get through 3 of Shakespeare's plays, but I will stick to our schedule and not to our booklist.
    Another big change will be to lighten our "outings" load. Multiple outings per week have not made keeping our regular learning time easy.

  5. I have a question about the x 1 or x 2 on the Matrix. Does that mean that that subject is only on the schedule once or twice a week??
    Thank you so much, this has been very helpful.

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