Reptiles: Crocodiles & Alligators

This purchase includes: A handout to help conduct a study of Crocodiles & Alligators, including living book suggestions, and a list of appropriate object lessons. Return to the special study …

Reptiles: Introduction

This purchase includes: A video to guide you through a study of the reptile family. (7:24 min.) A handout to help conduct a study of reptiles, including Teacher Preparation sections …

Reptiles: Turtles & Tortoises

This purchase includes: A video to guide you through a study of Turtles and Tortoises. (6:48 min.) A handout to help conduct a study of Turtles and Tortoises, including Teacher …

Nature Study Checklist

In my early days of Charlotte Mason homeschooling, I remember us walking out the backdoor on a mission to do nature study with somewhat confused looks on our faces. What …

HS Biology: Ecology

In this study guide, students will learn what the Bible teaches about the natural world and its purpose from Genesis through Revelation. Then they will consider the environmental challenges facing their local area and those…

Insects: Bees (only)

This purchase includes: A handout to guide you through a study of bees. It includes Teacher Preparation sections from the ​Handbook of Nature Study, book suggestions, and a list of …


Charlotte Mason began special studies with a look at the most basic plants and animals, including wildflowers. She said,”every wild flower that grows in their neighbourhood, they should know quite …

Wild Fruit: Autumn Walk

This purchase includes: A video demonstrating a nature walk with the goal of finding wild fruit. (16:30 min.) A handout to help conduct a special study of wild fruit, including …

Wild Fruit

Join Nicole on a nature walk in the Sierra Nevada Mountain at almost 8000-foot elevation. The goal of this walk is to look for wild fruit, but we find many …