Below is a chart that I created to show the progression of science within the Charlotte Mason method. Note that I’ve used the ditto mark (”) to indicate that an activity is continued in the next form. For instance, Special Studies are begun in Form 1 but are continued throughout all of the following forms. In fact, that is the theme of this chart — the idea that once an activity is begun, it continues throughout the student’s education. This is helpful information if you begin using Charlotte Mason’s method in a later form, because it may be necessary to spend a term giving some extra attention to the earlier forms before settling into the form that is appropriate for your child’s age. I also hope you will notice that we are building a foundation for science in the lower forms — a very necessary foundation.

- Science Series Introduction — Embracing the Method
Begun Before Formal Lessons
- Nature Study — See the 15 part series “How To Do Nature Study“
Begun in Form 1
Begun in Form 2
- Begin Formal Science
- A Comparison: Textbooks & Living Books
- Perform Experiments
Begun in Form 3
- Science — Keep a Science Notebook