Each of the aspects of nature study that we have talked about so far has focused on observation, but now we will begin looking at the expression of things observed …

Discover the beauty of science and nature through living books, inspiring curiosity, deepening understanding, and nurturing a love for God's creation.
Discover the beauty of science and nature through living books, inspiring curiosity, deepening understanding, and nurturing a love for God's creation.
Discover the beauty of science and nature through living books, inspiring curiosity, deepening understanding, and nurturing a love for God's creation.
Each of the aspects of nature study that we have talked about so far has focused on observation, but now we will begin looking at the expression of things observed …
In part one of this article, we began looking at how parents and teachers can lead a nature walk so that “satisfactory intellectual results” are encouraged. (Hart, PR 15, p. …
In The Parents’ Review and the L’Umile Pianta, we read many accounts of nature walks, excursions, and rambles. Some were descriptions of small groups going out, and a surprising number …
We are starting this series with the youngest of the children, so let’s consider what nature study looks like before formal school lessons begin. Don’t stop reading if you only …
The purpose of this series is to outline the subject of science, but to do so we must begin with nature study. Charlotte Mason emphasized that children cannot start their …
I’ve had several opportunities over the last few years to lead workshops about Charlotte Mason’s method of science. Incredibly, there is so much to cover that even when I am …
Charlotte Mason said, “out-of-door nature-study lays the foundation for science.” (3/281) But have you ever wondered how that works? To explain, I must start by clearing up a scientific myth …
If you have pored over my website in the past, you may have read an article called “Nature Journals.” I have removed that post because it was misleading and contained …
When I was 21, I spent five weeks in a little eastern German town named Wernigerode. It had only been four years since the wall came down and the people …
Charlotte Mason tells us that the young child is “full of vivid interest. He has a thousand questions to ask, he wants to know about everything; he has, in fact, …