Charlotte Mason said, “out-of-door nature-study lays the foundation for science.” (3/281) But have you ever wondered how that works? To explain, I must start by clearing up a scientific myth …

Discover the beauty of science and nature through living books, inspiring curiosity, deepening understanding, and nurturing a love for God's creation.
Discover the beauty of science and nature through living books, inspiring curiosity, deepening understanding, and nurturing a love for God's creation.
Discover the beauty of science and nature through living books, inspiring curiosity, deepening understanding, and nurturing a love for God's creation.
Charlotte Mason said, “out-of-door nature-study lays the foundation for science.” (3/281) But have you ever wondered how that works? To explain, I must start by clearing up a scientific myth …
One of my children began reading a Christian Liberty Nature Reader this week. So far I highly recommend this for early readers. One of the difficulties with a Charlotte Mason …
Recently I purchased some grass-fed beef gelatin to make homemade jello. A friend told me that the best way to sweeten it is to use pineapple. I thought pineapple was …