A Delectable Education Podcast
Would you like to understand all things Charlotte Mason?
Are you interested in the Charlotte Mason method and would like to implement it in your home, but you have been told you need to read ALL SIX VOLUMES that Charlotte Mason wrote in order to understand her principles and practices?
You are likely in the trenches of parenting and homeschooling, and the thought of reading all of that feels like TOO much to ask. Maybe you think you couldn’t possible carve out enough time to read that much, and maybe you feel frustrated when trying to understand something written over 100 years ago by a British author. Maybe you need help NOW so you can implement her ideas fast.
I know how you feel, because I was in the same place. I decided to switch my only school aged child to the CM method in AUGUST after flinging the box curriculum, and at the same time I started homeschooling three of my adopted siblings who had just left the public school. I had no idea what I was doing and there wasn’t a lot of advice out there. Which is why Emily Kiser, Liz Cottrill, and I, started A Delectable Education podcast.
For the last decade, it has been our mission to explain, equip, and encourage parents and educators by helping them discover and apply the ideas of Charlotte Mason.

- At the top of our Episodes page, you will find Charlotte Mason 101, which includes the episodes we think are foundational to understanding the big picture of her method. This will help you see the big picture, the philosophy.
- Scrolling down, you will find episodes outlining the why and how of each and everysubject Miss Mason assigned, which acts as a quick start guide to implementing a CM curriculum.
- Finally, you will also find interviews with experts in various subjects and people who have used the method for many years who share their experience. Also Q&A episodes and several demonstration lessons.
Learning about Charlotte Mason’s principles and practices from the three of us, mom’s who have been through it, will speed you through your education. Before long, you will be reading the volumes for yourself and understanding every word of it. Maybe you will even start your own reading group and inspire others to try it. More importantly, you will be prepared to offer your kids this one of a kind, life-giving education! We know that because that’s what we hear from so many listeners.
So, I invite you to join me, Emily and Liz, over on A Delectable Education podcast.