Living Science Elementary Science High School Science

Physics, A Three Part Series

I am happy to announce a series of articles on Physics by Richele Baburina, posted at Richele is the author of Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching, published by Simply Charlotte Mason. She has also deeply studied Charlotte Mason’s physics stream of science and taught what she has learned at a variety of conferences and retreats. Now she is sharing her knowledge of physics using the Charlotte Mason method of education with all of you.I highly encourage each of you to take the time to read Richele’s articles. I have become concerned recently that many homeschooling families are choosing to skip high school physics. I suspect parents are making this choice because they have preconceived fears about its difficulty or the difficulty of the math that may be associated with it. Also, in many cases, only 2-3 sciences credits are required to graduate and get into college. But Charlotte Mason had a bigger picture in mind than simply what was required. She felt it was important for students to continue the broad feast, even in the field of science, all the way through their education. Richele speaks to each of these issues and much more, and I am certain her words will be encouraging to you.

Part 1: Physics the Charlotte Mason Way covers the What, Why, and When.

Part 2: Living Lessons in Physics goes in-depth on the How.

Part 3: The Teacher of Physics, concludes with the Where and Who.

You can also listen to these blog articles by scrolling to the bottom of the post or by searching “Charlotte Mason Poetry” on your podcast app. (Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Stitcher). The new audio version of Charlotte Mason Poetry has been a fantastic gift from their team! It allows me to listen to their excellent articles in the car when I’m on the run, for which I am very grateful.



  1. Wonderful! I’m looking forward to reading these articles. We’re working through your form 3-4 and high school physics guides, and I’m so intrigued! I know that these articles by Richele will add depth to my own understanding and enrich our homeschool!

  2. I haven’t read the articles yet but was looking at the Physics and Chemistry pages. Can these be counted for “lab” science? My son is half-way through 7th and I’m beginning to think about high school. We are required to have 3 credits, 2 of which must be lab. I can find nothing that states whether your plans can be counted as such.

    1. Absolutely, Tami. Each and every guide I have available can be counted as a lab credit. This is because Charlotte Mason said, “The only sound method of teaching science is to afford a due combination of field or laboratory work, with such literary comments and amplifications as the subject affords.” (vol. 6 pp. 222-223) At graduation, if you follow Charlotte Mason’s plan for science education, your student will have accomplished more than any requirement for graduation or college entrance that I have ever seen. But more importantly, they will be prepared for “civilized citizenship,” and hopefully, they will have come to love and appreciate the world they live in.


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