Encouragement Scheduling

How Do I Homeschool With a Toddler Around?

Frequently people ask me how to homeschool with little children around. They may be worried that their little ones will be disruptive or distracting, or maybe they really are.

In my experience, it’s important to play with the little ones first. They need your undivided attention, which seems like the silliest thing for me to say. You know they need your attention, but as mom’s we frequently multi-task our way through a day.

What I’m suggesting is some real one on one time with your little folks before you ever sit down with the big kids. Play a game with them, or read them a story. Take them on a nature walk. Look them in the eye, with nothing else on your mind, but playing with them. They know!

It’s likely that after they have had some quality time with you, they will be ready to do something independent, or with another young sibling. I tease that after some individual time with me, my little girls are “done with me”! The reality is that having my complete attention for a time creates a confidence in them. At the same time, I lose the guilt of knowing I haven’t given them the quality time they need.

Your child may not naturally be as independent, and therefore, they may want your undivided attention all day. It is reasonable, however, for you to ask that they play independently for a period of time. Maybe today it is only five minutes, and next week you build up to ten. If you are decided, then your can help your child create this habit.

Now, if your “little ones” are babies, the answer is easy – work around nap times. Homeschooling allows a lot of flexibility, and at this season of your life, you just have to flex around baby’s schedule.


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