Habits Morning Routine Scheduling

Good Morning Sunshine!

I never appreciate homeschooling so much as when I hear the school bus go by at 7 am. Just the thought of getting my kids up and ready in time to catch a bus at that time of the morning makes me cringe.

Conversely, I used to enjoy the flexibility of homeschooling by waking up when my kids came to snuggle in bed with me. We would talk and have such a peaceful morning. Then we would do our morning routines and have breakfast before casually starting school.

The problem with this plan is that my morning routine takes longer than my kids’ morning routines, so I was never finished with everything when we started school. As a result, I was frequently distracted by thoughts of what I needed to get done. I would sometimes even run in to start a load of laundry or return an important phone call in the middle of our school time.

After years of homeschooling, I have found that there really needs to be a middle ground.

Now I get up well before my children. I allow enough time to exercise and enjoy a period of actual quiet time for my devotion. I have time to get a load of laundry done and dress and be ready to face the day, no matter what surprises it brings.

By accomplishing what I need to do before school starts, I can be completely focused on our time together, which means we can get more done in less time. It alleviates anxiety as well, so I’m less likely to be short-tempered with my kids.

Another important reason to get moving in the morning is that our kids need time to play outside each day. If we waste away the morning, then do school all afternoon, there is little time for play and discovery.

Let me just clarify that I am NOT a morning person. This does not come naturally to me. It is a choice I’ve made, in order to have a more productive and calmer day. As homeschool families, we have so much flexibility, which is a real blessing to us and our children, but we need to decide how to best utilize that flexibility. Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should!



  1. Another mom once told me, “Do not wake up to your children, but instead wake up for your children.” I have remembered that wisdom ever since (although I don’t always abide by it), and it keeps me motivated to wake up early enough to have time for me so that I can be there for them.

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