Insects: Bees (only)

This purchase includes: A handout to guide you through a study of bees. It includes Teacher Preparation sections from the ​Handbook of Nature Study, book suggestions, and a list of …


Charlotte Mason began special studies with a look at the most basic plants and animals, including wildflowers. She said,”every wild flower that grows in their neighbourhood, they should know quite …

Wild Fruit: Autumn Walk

This purchase includes: A video demonstrating a nature walk with the goal of finding wild fruit. (16:30 min.) A handout to help conduct a special study of wild fruit, including …

Wild Fruit

Join Nicole on a nature walk in the Sierra Nevada Mountain at almost 8000-foot elevation. The goal of this walk is to look for wild fruit, but we find many …

Birds, Perching: *Bundle*

This bundle includes all of the bird videos and handouts available. Birds: Introduction (handout only) Birds, Perching: Conical Bill Birds, Perching: Curved Bill Birds, Perching: Flycatching Bill Birds, Perching: Large …

Birds, Perching: Introduction

This purchase includes: A handout to help conduct a study of perching birds, including Teacher Preparation sections from the ​Handbook of Nature Study and All the Birds of North America, …

Birds, Perching: Small Straight Bill

This purchase includes: A video to guide you through a study of the small straight billed perching land birds, including chickadees, titmice, kinglets, and warblers. (13:53 min.) Return to the …