Category Archives: High School Homeschool Science

Physics, A Three Part Series

I am thrilled to announce a series of articles on Physics by Richele Baburina, posted on Richele is the author of Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching, published by Simply Charlotte Mason. She has also deeply studied Charlotte Mason’s physics stream of science and taught what she has learned at a variety of conferences and retreats. Now she is sharing her knowledge of physics using the Charlotte Mason method of education with all of you.I highly encourage each of you to take the time to read Richele’s articles. I have become concerned recently that many homeschooling families are choosing to skip high school physics. I suspect parents are making this choice because they have preconceived fears about its difficulty or the difficulty of the math that may be associated with it. Also, in many cases, only 2-3 sciences credits are required to graduate and get into college. But Charlotte Mason had a bigger picture in mind than simply what was required. She felt it was important for students to continue the broad feast, even in the field of science, all the way through their education. Richele speaks to each of these issues and much more, and I am certain her words will be encouraging to you.

Part 1: Physics the Charlotte Mason Way covers the What, Why, and When.

Part 2: Living Lessons in Physics goes in-depth on the How.

Part 3: The Teacher of Physics, concludes with the Where and Who.

You can also listen to these blog articles by scrolling to the bottom of the post or by searching “Charlotte Mason Poetry” on your podcast app. (Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Stitcher). The new audio version of Charlotte Mason Poetry has been a fantastic gift from their team! It allows me to listen to their excellent articles in the car when I’m on the run, for which I am very grateful.

Podcasts on Living Science

Over at A Delectable Education we are in the middle of a series of podcasts on nature study and science. You know it’s my favorite subject, so I’m thrilled that we are exploring it on the podcast. So far we have talked about Nature Study, Nature Lore books and this coming Friday we will air an interview I did with Cheri Struble, an inspiring nature study enthusiast. Next week we will move onto elementary science, and then middle school and high school science will round out the series. I hope it is really helpful to each of you. You can always ask a question on the episode blog post, or on our ADE facebook page, or here.


Experiments – An Idea

As homeschoolers, the idea of doing science experiments can be something to look forward to for one person, and something to dread for another. If you are one who dreads experiment day, then I have some encouragement and an idea for you.

The only sound method of teaching science is to afford a due combination of field or laboratory work, with such literary comments and amplifications as the subject affords.” Charlotte Mason, vol 6 pg 223

However, you do not need to do as many experiments when you homeschool using living books as the public school must do, because your students are experiencing the discoveries/experiments as they read living books about scientists. Many of these experiments, we cannot do (because we might die or at least be maimed in some way,) but because of the excellent narratives we read, we experience them on the edge of our seats, none-the-less.

One of my favorite historical science books is Robert Boyle: Founder of Modern Chemistry by Harry Sootin. In this book you are pulling for Boyle as he nearly kills a mouse and then saves it at the last minute, while trying to figure out what air is made of. You let out your breath with a strange mixture of let down and anticipation of a truth being discovered when the mouse does indeed die. There are sketches included within the book showing how Boyle set up his equipment and with the combination of that, and good writing, you have no difficulty “seeing” the whole experiment as it takes place on the page, and in your mind.

I say ‘experience’ advisedly, for the word denotes the process by which children get to know. They experience all the things they hear and read of; these enter into them and are their life; and thus it is that ideas feed the mind in the most literal sense of the word ‘feed.’ Charlotte Mason, vol 6 pg 40

Another reason we should not compare our syllabus to that of the public school is that they rely on textbooks and lectures, two things CM clearly says are sure to “destroy the desire for knowledge”. Hands-on experiments are the only hope for children being schooled this way. But there is also the matter of time. We allot approximately 2.5 hours a week to science, while they allot nearly twice that amount of time. To some degree, they need to do experiments to fill time. It can be a version of busy work.

So, we know that we must do experiments, but we do not need to do as many as the public school requires, which brings me to my idea. (With a little background as to how I came up with this idea.)

I recently attempted an experiment in the book Chemically Active! by Vicki Cobb. I like this book a lot for MS chemistry, and wish they would reprint it…with a few updates.  Here’s an example of why. I came to a section that says, “Set up your apparatus as shown in the drawing.” I must include the drawing here to see if you notice the same thing I did.

Do you see the problem? The test tubes are floating. Since I do not own levitating test tubes, I had to figure out what to do instead. There was also another problem. The book says to “use a carbon rod from inside a flashlight battery”. I didn’t think dismantling a battery was a very safe plan, so I had to look into another option for that as well.

I did a little searching on the internet, and found this excellent video that accomplishes the same thing, but uses a pencil, broken in half and sharpened on all four ends. They then use rubber bands around a plastic tub to prepare a scaffolding for the test tubs. Perfect!

My point in telling you all of this is that there was time involved in preparing for our experiment. We didn’t just break out the experiment “cookbook” and go to work. In fact, rarely can we just go to work, without some kind of prep involved. Even if it is simply making a shopping list a running errands.

It has taken me a long time to get to my idea, but here it is finally: I suggest that you assign your student the job of researching the experiment during your scheduled experiment time the week before you intend to do it. This way when it’s time to actually do the thing, your student is ready. They have the supplies needed, they know what work arounds might be needed, and they are mentally prepared because they have studied it for a period of time. They can accomplish an experiment every two weeks using this plan, which I think is plenty, and the responsibility of the whole thing is on your student, rather than being placed on you. Lastly, I hope this will alleviate the “just forget it!” syndrome which I tend to revert to when I am unprepared for a project.

Happy experimenting!

To Use the Scientific Method is Natural

To Experiment is Natural