
A New CM Podcast Available

I am so excited to share this exciting news with you!

Liz Cottrill and Emily Kiser, of the Living Books Library, have joined me to record a podcast about all things Charlotte Mason. The three of us have studied Charlotte Mason for years, in an effort to better implement her method in our own homes, but we have also tried to share what we have learned with all of you, through our blogs, local seminars, and by speaking at the Charlotte Mason Institute’s National Conference. This is the next step.

All three of us really enjoy listening to a podcast now and then, and we repeatedly hear the need for one that would be helpful to those moms following Charlotte Mason’s method and philosophy. As it is, the three of us regularly grapple with Mason’s ideas, hashing over what something means and how it is implemented. When some new piece is discovered, we discuss how it fits in our previous understanding, and on it goes. So, we thought it would be nice to let you all join us as we talk things over like: why embracing Mason’s philosophy matters, and what exactly does she mean when she says education IS the science of relations, or how can you know a book is not working for your child, even if it is a “living book”, and how do you find an alternative?

For the new homeschooler, we hope this podcast will increase your understanding of her method and philosophy, and therefore increase your confidence and contentment; and for those of you who have been using Mason’s methods for years now, we hope it will do for you what it does for us when we discuss these things – light that fire, like only Charlotte Mason can do. Mostly, we pray it will be an encouragement to all of you as you make this journey with us.

So join us over at aDelectableEducation.com, or on iTunes, and as you listen in, remember that we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for topics or questions we can address in coming months.


Not what we have learned, but what we are waiting to know is the delectable part of knowledge.” – School Education, p. 224



  1. I listened to your podcast yesterday, Nicole. You, Liz, and Emily did a lovely job! Thank you for all your work and for caring so much about helping others!

  2. Excited! So encouraging to hear the Liz had only just 8yrs ago listened to the volumes. I guess sometimes I assumed that if I didn't get through the original Mason texts I wouldn't really be "doing it right." Thank you for making these principles more accessible.

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